
Read some of the many positive reviews about our services.

Our clients come to us to facilitate change and our goal is to help them move forward.

Evoke Learning is truly committed to results, with their solid support structure, extensive knowledge, and unwavering commitment to their young clients.

What I find remarkable is their consistent approach to my son’s coaching, study space, and tutoring. At the end of his academic coaching he was able to understand how his brain functions, thereby normalizing his challenges. Strategies were suggested and practiced, during not only these sessions but in study space, thereby providing him with real-time solutions that he is applying during his academic year. The tutoring that he also is signed up for supports him with even more detailed applications to ensure success.

Evoke Learning has also equipped me to be a better advocate for my son in the school system. Evoke Learning has even saved us from the typical parent-child homework arguments! I have such peace of mind at Evoke Learning, as I know that every minute he is with them, that his requirements are being met and the strategies are consistent. I am now sitting back and watching the success of such these strategies being used as his marks are going up.

I would recommend Evoke Learning to any family that has a child with academic challenges because they have the knowledge to not only equip your child with the necessary support, but will educate your child with all information and techniques they need to have a successful academic year.

Thank you Evoke Learning or supporting not only my son, but his parents, too!

The De Simone Family

Evoke Learning York Region has had a tremendous positive effect on our son. He now has the ability and skills to cope with the academic workload that had once overwhelmed him. We have noticed a marked improvement in our son’s attitude towards his schoolwork, and his prospects for his future. He has much more confidence in himself, and we can see his sense of self-esteem building as his marks in school continue to improve. We feel that Evoke Learning York Region has been able to connect with our son on a level that has not been achieved before, and he attends the sessions with great enthusiasm.

Thank you Evoke Learning York Region!!!


Nick & Tracey Evonic

Hi Kate,

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of your coaching support over the last few months. Having you in my corner while I was finishing my MSW really made all the difference for me. I learned a lot of strategies that will help me to be more successful in life, and I learned a lot about myself and what I need to be successful. I loved that you were able to both give practical advice and to help me manage the difficult emotions I struggled with. You were always so supportive and a pleasure to work with.


Hi Kate: You have been such a great support to our son. I am deeply grateful for the work you have done with K. A year ago he told me he had no passion for school and felt entirely incapable of managing high school, let alone university. Now he has passion, drive, and confidence, and he is a really engaged and happy young man. You have been really effective in helping him with all of those issues and we are extremely grateful. I know that K trusts and respects you, and that he will remember you as formative to his development, and as someone who has helped him through some extremely difficult periods. Thank you very much.


As a parent, and an educator (special education) I have found Denise to be very knowledgeable about the intricacies of ADHD. She is clear and articulate and communicates effectively with me about my adult son who has ADHD. Denise has taken on the labour of effectively managing my son’s executive function deficiencies, so that he and I can enjoy a healthier parent/child relationship.

I would recommend her to anyone with a need for information and/or support regarding ADHD.

B.K., Parent

When I first came to Evoke, having a late diagnosis of a disability, I was seeking some coping strategies, as well as organization and direction to be able to get through my first year of university. I was unaware of what coaching was, and thus did not know I was in need until I started my weekly sessions. I went in with an open mind and could not be happier with what Evoke has added to my life. As someone with LD and ADHD, I often felt scattered, discouraged, and lacked certain skills such as time management and planning. Sometimes I even felt like giving up, fearing that I was ultimately not cut out for university. With the help of Anthony and Kate at Evoke, I was able to work with them to find the confidence, skills, and strategies I needed to excel in my academic, professional, social and personal endeavours. He helped me shed the self doubt and inner critic that were holding me back and allowed me to grow while helping me to obtain my honours bachelor of arts degree by assisting me with understanding how to deal with the overwhelming demands of school. I can honestly say I do not know where I would be without Evoke, but with Evoke’s help I have uncovered my true self, passion, and drive to apply for graduate school and work at a job I am passionate about! I continue to rely on Evoke to be my best self and support me through the everyday stressors life throws at me. Thank you, Evoke!

University student

Dear Denise,

When I think back to why I originally came to you, it was for inspiration. Throughout Grade 7 and into Grade 8 I could see that my son’s lack of interest in doing well in school was growing, and, as a result, I could see his marks quickly dropping. I knew that with high school around the corner it was important that he find that passion to succeed within himself he certainly wasn’t going to do well just because we wanted him to. And that’s when we found you. The way you have inspired him is truly unbelievable! He comes out of your weekly sessions talking about all the neat techniques you have practiced with him and then he actually applies them at home and at school! Since he started working with you he has not once complained about doing homework or studying for a test and that is huge! His marks in every single subject have reflected this positive change in mindset and technique. But as a parent, the most important change I have seen is in his self-confidence. He takes pride in scheduling his tasks and doing his work on his own and he is thrilled to see the results! And THAT is exactly the passion I was hoping to reignite in him. I haven’t been able to stop telling friends about you and your coaching. In fact, I can’t think of a child who wouldn’t benefit from learning these kinds of life skills.

I am so grateful for the positive impact you have had on him. You have armed him with the confidence and the techniques that we know will serve him well throughout high school and for years to come. My husband and I thank you with all our hearts.


Denise has been a light at the end of the tunnel!! Navigating all the requirements for my child’s exceptionality was daunting. Denise’s coaching (for both of my son’s and for me!) has been invaluable. She has taught my boys how to become self-advocates and more confident with their abilities and it showed. She has introduced them to tools, and more importantly how to use them effectively for each of their situations. Coaching focuses the boys on their goals, and with Denise’s guidance, they have excelled. I recommend Denise and Evoke Learning to any parent or child who wants to put forward a confident and exceptional student. She has done that with both my boys. Thank you, Denise.

L.P., Parent of a client

Having a coach means always having someone in your corner, even when you feel overwhelmed or lost. Denise helped us understand our son’s diagnosis of ADHD and learning disabilities, gave us strategies and suggestions to implement at home, and encouraged all of us to see and utilize his strengths. That support has made a big difference in his life and to our family.

L.M., Parent of a client

Hi Kate. How are you? It’s been so long!! I was meaning to say thank you for everything you did for me when I was going through rough times – I don’t know what I would have done without you. University is going well. I’m just finishing up with finals and they’re going good.

S.K. Former high school client

Hi Kate, Just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for the work you did with our daughter last fall. She had a fantastic report card, and is very proud of herself! I think that your work with her, plus the excitement of going to her new school, really brought out the best in her. Thank you very much!

B.W., Parent

After struggling with classroom schooling for most of my life, I was diagnosed with ADHD after my first disastrous year in my master’s degree studies. Once this had been identified for me, after I nearly abandoned my studies, I was very fortunate to find Kate to accompany me on my way. Kate brings immense patience, wisdom, humour, kindness, honesty, forthrightness and integrity to her work. Through her consistent empathy, affirmation, encouragement and constructive and straightforward, no-nonsense critique, I was strongly facilitated in increasing my self-awareness in a non-judgmental way, of the challenges in my life. Through working with Kate I have been shown and practiced a variety of skills with which to approach my difficulties so as to manage and better direct myself towards the goals I have. I know that I will continue to consult Kate in the future. Thank you, Kate!

S.A., University student

Kate’s work as an academic coach blends the best of research-based best practice with an intuitive and sensitive approach to working with students. She is skilled at helping students develop the self-awareness and deep personal understanding essential to achieving academic and personal success. Students relate well to Kate because she is knowledgeable, authentic, and fun to work with.

L.F., Educator

Kate, I just wanted to thank you for having a positive impact on my life. Before we met I felt as though I was shackled to my ADHD disability. I was unable to concentrate. I barely had any patience and, worst of all, I made many embarrassing mistakes, which caused me to get fired from a few very good jobs. For years I felt like I was hopeless, a lost cause and destined for failure. That all changed when I met you! Little did I know that I was none of those things. All I needed was someone who could coach me through my problems and help me become a better person. You have given me the tools to do that. I can honestly say that through your motivation and teaching I have attained more patience. I am better able to concentrate and best of all, I make less mistakes. Before I focused on my weakness but now I focus on my strengths. Thank you for giving me the tools that I needed to succeed with my ADHD disability. I know my disability will never leave me, but through your coaching has helped me better understand the nature of my disability. This has ultimately given me more confidence and confidence is priceless in this world!!! You truly have changed my life. Thank you!!!

M.J., University client

I have been working with Kate for two years and will continue to work with her this coming year. Since receiving the coaching, I have been able to reach many of my goals such as, better listening skills, organizational skills, and significantly decreasing the frequency of interrupting others. Kate has a tremendous amount of patience and has been very encouraging. Overall, I would encourage anyone with ADHD to give coaching a try, as it has positively impacted my overall physical, mental and spiritual well being. I highly recommend ADHD coaching.

T.D., University student